Sunday, April 4, 2010


India has been a developing country since its independence. After six decades, it still has got a GDP of $1.3 trillion. Though its a good amount, dividing it among the one billion population makes it negligible.

Generally the Net National Product (NNP) will give us the actual growth factors for the country. If not NNP, atleast the GNP shall be considered. But this is not the case since GNP is 15%less than GDP.

The GDP shall increase when the employment opportunities in the country increase by Indian firms as a part of the foreign firms will be paid as the rent, wage, interest, profit for the land, labor, capital, enterprise of the Parent country of the firm(Foreign Factor Income in India). But if the GDP includes this amount which is not actually reaching to the population of the country, then how can be the growth determining factor??

Though the social entrepreneurship is increasing to work for the enhancement of livelihood of the poor and rural India, the country is till in the list of world's 15 poorest countries. When considerable amount of the population is living below the poverty line and finding hard to earn the daily food grains, how can it be called atleast the a "Developing Country"??

When 7000 Indians sleep hungry every night, then where is the money of the country hiding?? When all the political leaders promise about developing the livelihood of those living below the poverty line, then why is it that 33% if the world's poor live in India??When we are boasting about the development of the country, then why is it that nearly 200 million Indians earning less than $1.25 everyday?? Whom is the employment growth in the country referred to??Why is it that Indian government is not encouraging the FDI in the country which would help the country survive better??

Where will a citizen of get this answer from?? I know i have the Right to Information (RTI Act), but who is going to give this information?? Where shall we start our journey in cleaning this ocean??


lakshman said...


Like your blog. Keep up good work.


Yamini Meduri said...


thank you friend.!!!

Saras said...

Good research and very passionate presentation. Nice work Yamini dear. Excellent read.

Yamini Meduri said...


Thank you friend..!!